trick or treat.

31 Oct

Happy Halloween, everyone!

This year’s festivities are somewhat muted for me, compared to last year’s international experience in Spain, but at least I’ll have Property and Crim Law which can be sufficiently scary in their own right.

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays – watching Hocus Pocus every year (I fell behind this year – fail), decorating my house and doing a ton of art projects at school, and always trying to come up with the most creative costume possible.

This year, the extent of my dressing up was a total cop-out: 80s workout – not nearly as creative as the kids in my section who decked themselves out as our professors – complete with sandwich-board versions of our textbooks! So good.

Here’s some of my favorite Halloween links from around the web to keep the spirit going.

Happy Halloween! 🙂


……The Google Doodle for today


Such a classic:



And some ghosts of Halloweens past:

Last Year:

and when I was 5 (and Princess Jasmine):

Have a great day, everyone!

How are you celebrating?

I went on a “scary” 5 mile run (in the sense that Mondays are alwas scary) and MAY check out Santa Monica Blvd. tonight. OR I might man the fort and see if we get any trick or treaters as I cozey up with my Property book. #Rage

6 Responses to “trick or treat.”

  1. Kaley [Y Mucho Más] November 1, 2011 at 8:16 am #

    Love the vintage Halloween pic! I went as Princess Peach and Mario went as, well, Mario.

    • gillian November 1, 2011 at 8:50 am #

      Thank you! 🙂

      That is super creative! So fun you can show him American Halloween traditions!

  2. Journey Photographic November 2, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

    Happy Halloween! I hope you had a great night.

  3. Caroline November 3, 2011 at 11:14 am #

    Hope you had a great Halloween! I ended up braving Santa Monica Blvd and it was just as crazy and weird as I had expected. Soo many odd costumes. But, I guess that’s half the fun of it? Also, that first video is amazing! Crazy what those techy people can do, haha.

    • gillian November 3, 2011 at 11:36 am #

      That’s awesome! I loved your Waldo costume btw! And I’m obsessed with that video – but it may end up inducing a seizure! Hah!

      Sent from my iPhone

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